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Celebrate Easter at Oostwegel Collection


St. Martinus Wine Flights

Wine Tasting Flights | Oostwegel Collection.

Taste our bespoke house wines

Available throughout Oostwegel Collection properties, our wine flights curated in partnership with St. Martinus offer guests the unique opportunity to savour Oostwegel Collection's bespoke selection of house wines.

Those tasting at Château Neercanne can enjoy the experience in the impressive setting of our Jeker Valley-facing terrace or in the historic environs of L'Auberge. Served alongside light bites, the four varieties include:

Mosaic 3 sparkling
WINE 265 white
Judith Homage
Camille Homage


Winemaker selection - four wines €52, per person

265 selection - three wines €42, per person

Available daily

Take a look

Restaurant L'Auberge | Château Neercanne.
WIJland | Oostwegel Collection.
Druivenpluk | Oostwegel Collection.
Events & Experiences | Oostwegel Collection.

Château Neercanne

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Find your way to Château Neercanne

How to get here

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From Maastricht

By car: 10 mins

Via public transport: 40 mins

From Amsterdam

By car: 2hrs 30 mins

Via public transport: 2hrs 40 mins

Vanaf Eindhoven

By car: 1hr 10 mins

Via public transport: 1hr 50 mins

From Brussels

By car: 1hr 25 mins

Via pubic transport: 2hrs 10 mins

From Paris

By car: 4hrs 25 mins

Via public transport: 4hrs 15 mins

From London

By car: 6hrs 20mins

Via public transport: 5hrs 30 mins