Looking for the perfect Spring Getaway?
Celebrate Easter at Oostwegel Collection

Exclusive setting

Bordering two European countries

Positioned on the southernmost tip of The Netherlands, Château Neercanne straddles both Belgium and The Netherlands. Within the city limits of Maastricht, the area benefits from excellent rail links, as well as eight airports located within an hour’s drive.

Find your way to Château Neercanne

How to get here

Location highlights

Terras tuin Neercanne.

Directions to Château Neercanne

From Maastricht

By car: 10 mins

Via public transport: 40 mins

From Amsterdam

By car: 2hrs 30 mins

Via public transport: 2hrs 40 mins

From Eindhoven

By car: 1hr 10 mins

Via public transport: 1hr 50 mins

From Brussels

By car: 1hr 25 mins

Via pubic transport: 2hrs 10 mins

From Paris

By car: 4hrs 25 mins

Via public transport: 4hrs 15 mins

From London

By car: 6hrs 20mins

Via public transport: 5hrs 30 mins

Our location

Château Neercanne

Von Dopfflaan 10
The Netherlands

Oostwegel Collection
  • Winselerhof
  • Château St. Gerlach
  • Kruisherenhotel Maastricht

Delve into a historic setting with a lively modern energy

Explore Maastricht

Located just ten minutes outside Maastricht, Château Neercanne is ideally based to discover the city.

Maastricht from above.


What's on

Events Calendar




exterior neercanne.
A sustainable future
Making a meaningful difference
Familie | Château St. Gerlach.

We honour and preserve our unique properties for future generations, where a percentage of our revenue goes towards the conservation of our cultural heritage. Each visit, each dinner, and each overnight stay contribute to the rich history and lush landscape of South Limburg and our journey towards a sustainable future.

Château Neercanne

Get in touch

Find your way to Château Neercanne

How to get here

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From Maastricht

By car: 10 mins

Via public transport: 40 mins

From Amsterdam

By car: 2hrs 30 mins

Via public transport: 2hrs 40 mins

Vanaf Eindhoven

By car: 1hr 10 mins

Via public transport: 1hr 50 mins

From Brussels

By car: 1hr 25 mins

Via pubic transport: 2hrs 10 mins

From Paris

By car: 4hrs 25 mins

Via public transport: 4hrs 15 mins

From London

By car: 6hrs 20mins

Via public transport: 5hrs 30 mins