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Valentine's Day at Spencer's

Romantisch weekend | Kruisherenhotel Maastricht.

Culinary romance

Surprise the one you love with a delicious meal at Spencer’s, accompanied by the harmonious melodies of a live music performance. A stunning location at the heart of the Kruisherenhotel Maastricht, Spencer’s serves excellent food accompanied by high-end service, in an impressive 15th-century cloister backdrop. It’s an undeniably romantic setting for that special dinner together.


  • €125 per person

  • Four-course menu, including welcome with a Valentine's cocktail, amuses, coffee/tea, friandises & water

  • Live music from 18:30 till 20:30

Take a look
Cocktail Spencer's Bar | Kruisherenhotel Maastricht.
Spencer's Restaurant | Kruisherenhotel Maastricht.
Spencer's Restaurant | Kruisherenhotel Maastricht.
Art Spencer's Restaurant | Kruisherenhotel Maastricht.
Dessert Spencer's Restaurant | Kruisherenhotel Maastricht.

Kruisherenhotel Maastricht

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From Amsterdam

By car: 2hrs 45 mins

Via public transport: 2hrs 45 mins

From Eindhoven

By car: 1hr

Via public transport: 1hr 15 mins

From Brussels

By car: 1hr 30 mins

Via public transport: 2hrs

From Paris

By car: 4hrs 20 mins

Via public transport: 3hrs 30 mins

From London

By car: 6hrs 20 mins

Via public transport: 4hrs 45 mins